Specters are a form of ghost. Specters are spirits that have, somehow, developed an intense insane hatred toward life and all other individuals. The victims of haunts that have become incurable, have what it takes mentally to become a specter. There is no other ghost that is more feared, because there is no other ghost that is more inclined toward destruction. Most other ghosts generally have a very ambivalent attitude toward mortality. They spend their time observing and learning. Specters, however, have as their only goal, the destruction of all mortality. Because specters are intensely insane, they have very little ability to learn. Therefore, they know no magic. Even if they knew magic during their life, their inability to think rationally interferes with their ability to successfully cast it. But, they do have a very innate ability to alter their physical environment. Specters can attack for up to 50 points of damage without restriction, as often as their own initiative permits.
As with all other ghosts, strictly material objects do no damage to specters. Magical weaponry will do normal damage to them. Spells will do their normal amounts of damage if the force causing the damage is magical (i.e. a rock telekinetically thrown at an apparition will do no damage.) All ghosts can function well at anytime of day in any climate.